Making Money
How Much Do I Make?
Free members earn 5% of their direct referrals earnings and 2% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6. Entrepreneur members earn 20% of their direct referrals earnings and 6% of all earnings on levels 2 through 6.
When do I get Paid?
Entrepreneur members get paid every 2 weeks and free members get paid once a month. The Minimum payment amount is $25.00. If you do not meet the $25.00 minimum distribution amount, your balance will carry over to your next pay period.
What revenue do I share in?
All revenue from memberships, ads, search and paid placements is distributed to our members.
Am I paid per click?
No, your percentage of the revenues is determined by how many times a month you login not ads you click on.
Should I click on all ads I see?
No, use the web as you normally would. Please don't click on ads unless you have a genuine interest in the product.
What are Pending Earnings?
Earnings that are waiting a specific action to be confirmed such as entering the code you receive in the mail for the survey. Once you complete the action required, the pending amount will move to your earned money.
I've already tried it and you'll earn at least $25 a month. What are you waiting for. Join now and earn money just by surfing and doing the normal stuff you do everyday with the internet and this time you get paid.