PSP Game Decrypter in the works: Play 5.55 Firmware games on 5.50 GEN + 5.03 GEN-A.
Its out!, Download is below. You’ll Also need UMDGEN 4 for this, you can google it and im sure you can find it. Decrypts both Firmware 5.55 games and firmware 6.00 games. But not all of them work due to some headers on the prx files.
Release text and how to:
..:::Yoshihiro’s 5.55 & 6.00 games decrypter:::..
hi guyz this tool is here for let you use your original game backup
on CFW 5.50 gen B-2 .how i can use this tool ?
1 :lets go first you need to install the GameZDecryptZ folder in your X:PSP/GAME folder
2 : put your EBOOT.BIN extracted from UMDGEN PSP_GAME/SYSDIR and put it on root of your memory stick
3 : now you can boot game decrypter now you can press X 5 seconds later it’s done
4 : connect your usb cable check on root of your memory stick you have a new folder called decryptor
5 : copy the eboot.bin from the decryptor folder inside umdgen and rebuild your isoVoilà
Enjoy it Yoshihiro
PS : not all games working because some games use some fact header on prx files
PSP developer Yoshihiro and the GENyUS team is working on a PSP Eboot / Game decrypter, that will patch 5.55 firmware games to work on ChickHEN enabled PSP-3000’s running Custom Firmware 5.03 GEN-A and also PSP-1000’s and PSP-2000’s on Custom Firmware 5.50 GEN-A to B2.
But what we can gather it will be used in conjunction with UMDGen 4, so experience of UMDGEN is required.
Yes, to all you PSP-3000 users. Its for the PSP-3000 too. No need to keep asking for a solution as it’s coming!. But for those of you that can run ChickHEN R2 & CFW 5.03 GEN-A and haven’t upgraded past firmware 5.03.
If you have Firmware 5.50 on your PSP-3000 your out of luck I’m afraid.
Source: PSPGen
Additional Walkthrough:
1. Install 5.55 & 6.00 Games Decrypter like any other homebrew.
2. Boot into 5.50 GEN’s recovery console by holding R-TRIGGER on boot.
3. Go to Configuration -> XMB Usb Device -> change to UMD Disc.
4. Enable USB mode from the XMB; copy ISO/CSO game to your local computer; open UMDGen.
5. In UMDGen open the ISO/CSO game file.
6. Navigate to PSP_GAME/SYSDIR; highlight EBOOT.BIN; right-click -> Extract Selected…
7. Save it somewhere; boot into the recovery console again (See step 1); set the USB mode back to Memory Stick (See step 2).
8. Enable USB from the XMB again; copy the encrypted EBOOT.BIN to your memory stick root.
9. Exit out of USB mode and run the Games Decrypter app.
10. Enable USB mode one more time.
11. If you closed UMDGen, reopen it and open ISO/CSO game; browse to PSP_GAME/SYSDIR.
12. From the newly created DECRYPTOR directory on your memory stick, drag & drop the unencrypted EBOOT.BIN to the right windowpane in UMDGen overwriting the original file.
13. Save the ISO; copy it to the ISO directory on your memory stick.
14. You’re done.
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