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Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy 1st anniversary to me and my langga!

March 18, 2011 and it has been a year since we started a relationship together. Just like any normal relationships we went through problems, trials and crisis in our relationship and i am very happy to say that up until now we are still strong and growing. And its all because of God who has kept our love strong and extended our patience to the max. And im very happy God never left our side.

Today we had a great day and spent 101% quality time. We went swimming, to the mall, had lunch and dinner together (shakey's still has the best pizza and chicken, specially the mojos) and took our picture with our couple shirts on plus i had the best gift ever (Ill try to post it here).

Over all i had a great time. My langga had a wonderfull time and our day ended with a blast full of hope, understanding, happiness and LOVE.

I love you so much my Lannga Cacai and more years to come for our relationship.
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